What is Divestment?
- The act of giving away income and/or assets for less than the fair market value.
- Examples:
- Giving gifts to others that you normally don’t give to
- Declining income/assets you are able to get, such as pensions or inheritance
- Purchasing assets, such as life estate, loan, or annuity
- Wisconsin Medicaid Divestment
- Answering Your Questions about Divestment – Greater Wisconsin Agency on Aging Resource, Inc (GWAAR) publication which provides a general overview of how Divestment affects eligibility for Medicaid funded programs in Wisconsin
What happens if I divest?
- The Western Region for Economic Assistance will determine a divestment penalty period, for which you will not be eligible for Medicaid funded programming.
What is a divestment penalty period?
- This is the amount of time that Medicaid will not cover long-term care benefits.
For more information about Divestment, please call our office and request to speak to our ADRC professionals: 715-284-3978