* Click on the photo to view a short video about ADRC services.
The Role of an ADRC
Aging and Disability Resource Centers provide a central source of reliable and objective information about a broad range of programs and services. They help people understand and evaluate various options available to them. By enabling people to find resources in their communicates and make informed decisions about long-term care, ADRCs help people conserve their personal resources, maintain self-sufficiency, and delay or prevent the need for potentially expensive long-term care. ADRCs also serve as the single access point for publicly funded long-term care, including Family Care and IRIS.
Population Served
ADRC services are available to older adults and people with physical and developmental disabilities, regardless of income and of the person’s eligibility for publicly funded long-term care. ADRCs also provide information and referral, disability benefits counseling, and referral for emergency services to adults with mental illness and/or substance use disorders. ADRC services are available to families, friends, caregivers, and others, who work with, or care about, peoples or people with disabilities.
What We Do
- Provide a welcoming, attractive, accessible place where older people and people with disabilities can go for any information, advice and help in accessing services.
- Provide one central source of reliable and objective information about a broad range of community resources of interest to elderly people and people with disabilities.
- Help people understand the various long-term care options available to them.
- Enable people to make informed, cost-effective decisions about long-term care.
- Help people conserve their personal resources, health, and independence.
- Reduce the demand for public funding for long-term care by delaying or preventing the need for potentially expensive long-term care.
- Help people to apply for eligibility for programs and benefits and use their communities’ resources.
- Serve as the single access point for publicly funded long-term care.